Exercise can be very challenging to commit to. As a young adult my ideas and hopes were to always begin and maintain a routine that would help me to stay active and healthy. I regretfully report that I have not yet committed to this effort. In high school, I ran with the track team and was faithful the Reserve Officer Training Corps which helped me to stay in shape and remain fit with much effort. This was just a part of my life and I enjoyed it. I would like to begin exercising once again. My goal is to increase stamina, flexibility, and lose stomach fat.
An exercise routine has been found to reduce personal stress, anxiety, and increase self-esteem. (Brannon & Feist, 2010. Ch.15). “We have seen that people who exercise regularly decrease their risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes; improve their cholesterol ratio; have lower levels of depression; decrease anxiety level; and have fewer stress-related illnesses. Exercise may not be the direct cause of enhanced feelings of self-esteem, but it may contribute indirectly through each of these factors. Alternatively, exercise may not raise global self-esteem but may be limited to physical self-esteem”( Brannon & Feist, 2010 Ch 15) (Ryan, 2008).
Aerobic exercise could be a method used. This type of exercise is great for increased oxygen flow. Jogging, brisk walks, skiing, swimming, riding bikes, and dancing are all activities I enjoy doing ( Brannon & Feist, 2010. Ch 15 ). I am a believer that if you enjoy the same thing that motivates you; then your goal will have a greater chance of success. Isotonic exercise could also be beneficial to the appearance of my body. This requires weight lifting and muscle building. Although I am not too concerned about muscle growth I would like to see certain areas begin to firm up and take shape. I am looking for a tone and more lean body. Running and jogging would be my two key elements in developing my routine and finding the progress that I would like to see. These two exercise not only help with oxygen flow but can also prevent illnesses like heart disease ( Brannon & Feist, 2010. Ch 15).
With any type of exercise, especially running it is very important to stretch. Stretching can be the exact action that prevents injury when performing or even prevent soreness after the activity. “Many people seem to find time for running but neglect to allow 5-10 extra minutes to stretch. Muscles must be stretched gradually. If a stretch is applied too quickly, the muscle responds with a strong contraction, increasing tension. If the stretch is applied slowly, however, this contraction reflex is avoided, muscle tension falls, and you may stretch the muscle further. The lesson here: stretch slowly and hold the stretch for 30 to 40 seconds. Do not stretch beyond the point where you begin to feel tightness in the muscle. Do not push through muscle resistance, and never stretch to the point of discomfort or pain” ( Lunges can help to stretch the muscles and prepare for a vigorous workout. “The down position of the lunge duplicates the airborne position in sprinting. This exercise will also stretch the hip flexors. With your feet hip-width apart, step forward with a very long stride. Upon landing, slowly lower your upper body straight down. Shift your weight backward and extend your forward leg. Return to your standing position and repeat with the other leg for 10 repetitions each” ( .
When making plans I strongly believe you always need to allow room for error. I work full-time and I go to school nine credit hours this semester. Finding a good time for me to commit is very important. I am sure there will be days that I will need to stay late at work or meet with my study group with classmates. If I miss a work out session, I will then do stretches or crunches at home before bed to make up for what I had missed. I will also spend more time at the gym the next session to compensate for the time missed previously. I do have free time during lunch at work. If I see no open time I could take a shorter lunch and take a run around my facility or do stretches. It may even be possible to find a co-worker who would like to do the same thing during his/her lunch break. During the winter, we have plenty of stairs in the building. We could stay inside and use the stairs as a tool for exercising.
The Plan
Monitoring my progress is very important to me. I want to see the difference that I am making. I understand that I may not immediately begin seeing results with my body and that I will need to remain patient as the changes are made. Some of the changes will be for health reasons only. These changes could help my cardiovascular system and stamina. I am currently a member at Gold’s Gym however I am not proud to say that I mostly pay the fees without utilizing the services. I plan to begin using the services and taking advantage of the tools, resources, and programs offered to the members. A calendar will help me to remember and understand my goal. This calendar will have marked activities, exercises, and days of the week I plan to be active. The days I do not attend the gym I will then maintain an at home routine to help me stay motivated and not relapse in any of my efforts. In the event that I become ill or do not have time to visit the gym; I will then at least stretch and spend extra time at the gym the next time that I am able.
I have found that a gym buddy helps me to stay motivated. I will begin recruiting people who I think will encourage and become a support system for me during my training. It will be of importance to find someone who will have the same availability as I do. Our goals will need to be similar. I do not need a partner who is more concerned with muscle gain than cardiovascular needs and endurance. Classes are an excellent was to stay involved. I may meet this person during a class sponsored by the gym. Several days per week the gym has classes such as cycling, stretching, swimming, yoga, and Zumba that I can take part in. My schedule will show meetings I plan on attending and committing too. Some classes that I already find interesting are Yoga, Strength and Cardio, Zumba, and Ab Blast. I will research these classes, compare them to my available times and days and decide how I would like to incorporate these in into my schedule (
Work Cited 28 September 2011
Brannon & Feist, 2010. Ch 15. 28 September 2011 28 September 2011 28 September 2011
Cited: 28 September 2011 Brannon & Feist, 2010. Ch 15. 28 September 2011 28 September 2011 28 September 2011