I have learned throughout this course thus far that an individual’s diet can have great impacts on how well their body is functioning both mentally and physically. The saying, “you are what we eat”, can now practically be proven, especially when considering that the foods that are being consumed into our body’s play a vital role to our energy, calorie, and nutrient needs. With that said, not all the foods that we choose to eat are said to be the right choices or even healthy for our bodies. In addition, this would be the main reason that eating a well balanced diet that includes variety, balance, and …show more content…
* Meat and beans intake: 4.5 oz Meat and beans intake: 5.5 oz * Food pyramid recommendation: 5.5 oz Food pyramid recommendation: 5.5oz * * Vegetables intake: 0.4 cup Vegetables intake: 2.4 cup * Food pyramid recommendation: 2.5 cup Food pyramid recommendation: 2.5 cup * * Fruits intake: 0 cup Fruits intake: 2 cup * Food pyramid recommendation: 2 cup Food pyramid recommendation: 2 cup * * Grains intake: 5.9 oz Grains intake: 5.9 oz * Food pyramid recommendation: 6oz Food pyramid recommendation: …show more content…
Also I was lacking in the required fruits and vegetables intake considerably. After evaluating my diet, I planned to make some changes to improve these intake levels, so that my body could receive the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and alive. A few steps that I took to make these changes in my diet was first documenting what I eat daily and also adding the recommended amounts from each food group into my daily meals. I accomplished this by measuring out my servings, and by adding a more variety and nutrient dense meal plan. Some examples would include a variety of fruits during breakfast to increase my fruit intake, a variety of nutrient-dense vegetables during dinner time to increase my vegetable intake. And to increase my milk intake I chose to add more milk products in my diet to acquire three total cups daily, these types of foods would include cheese, yogurts, and milk. Another few changes I made in my diet were drinking more water during meals to increase my diets water intake and decrease my diets sugar intake. Another change to my diet resulted from increasing my milk intake, vegetable intake, and fruit intake is an increase in calcium and other nutrients and minerals needed to keep my body functioning healthy. For example, accordingly the the pyramid tracker website, has shown a significant increase