Posted on October 25, 2009 | Leave a comment
Tourism is a critical source of revenue generation and therefore a major component of economic development, a relationship that rewards states when positive conditions such as a strong global economy exist. But what happens when negative conditions exist, such as terrorism?
The impact of terrorism on a state’s economy may be enormous, leading to unemployment, homelessness, deflation, crime and other economic and social ills. “The contribution of tourism and travel to both industrialized and developing countries is now so great that any downturns in the level of activity in the industry are a cause of concern. The repercussions extend beyond activities directly associated with tourism, notably airlines, hotels and catering, to sectors that supply intermediate or final goods that are purchased by firms and employees in the industry, so that all sectors of the economy are affected to a greater or lesser extent.
International tourism is an industry that lives on personal contacts and has a message: to enable and facilitate a face-to-face intercultural dialogue. A successful tourism industry needs political stability, peace, security, and the potential for dialogue between different groups of people without mental or physical restrictions. Terrorism against tourists and in tourist destinations aims, among other things, to prevent intercultural contacts and dialogue. It seeks to hinder a possible, better and deeper understanding of the “others”. Terrorism against tourists in general is either a politically or a culturally motivated act. There are various instances which show the impact of terrorism on tourism: like various attacks in – Srinagar, Mumbai, Delhi, Assam, Varanasi, London, Egypt, Arabian countries etc. It will be the Endeavour of those who wish to hurt world to use terror tactics to scare tourists away. It does not require clairvoyance to figure that out. Hence,