Travel & Tourism Management
Learner`s Declaration I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own
Student name: Ciprian Barbulescu
Signed and submitted by:
Student ID: HNDTTM5238
Lecturer: Mr. Nikola Naumov
Verifier: Sunita Kotta
Module unit: Contemporary issues in T & T
UK College of Business and Computing – batch 1
Task 1
P1.1 Analyse issues currently driving change in the travel and tourism sector.
Chose a tourism destination and analyse the level of tourism development. Include statistical information about number of tourists, main tourism markets and how tourism affects local economy, social life and environment.
The factors affecting the travel and tourism industry are political or they are influenced by worldwide economic developments, or they can be climatic changes. One of the most important factors which affect development of the tourism is global warming. Advances developments in the ICT industry has a deep and intense effect on all our lives and some of these issues, particularly the emergence of e-tourism is leading to changes in the structure of the travel and tourism industry. For some organisations in the tourism industry, globalisation appears to be the most profitable solution. Not at last the increasing number of acts of terrorism is considered by far away a most important determinant factor in tourism developing. The health factors are to be considerate, as it is also the spread of diseases, such as SARS and avian flu to mark a decision for a tourist decision. It is clear that international relations can have a positive or negative effect on travel and tourism. Wars bring an immediate adverse effect, and may limit tourism in an area for decades – as in the Middle East for example. Political