We must face our problems head on, and stand as a unit to show that we will not back down. We should show
Trump that he cannot hinder us as a whole. We have to stop giving one man so much power, and also stop playing into his antics.
I say all this for a bigger purpose. That bigger purpose is for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even ourselves. We must ensure that our children can live in a country that values all human life. The world needs to be about the sanctity of human life when scared, and fearful people forget that life is sacred. We are only on this earth for a short amount of time, and should cherish every moment of it.
One scripture that I strive to live by is Mark 12:31 where it says “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. It basically says that you should treat others how you want to be
Outlaw-Spencer 3 treated. We all need to love a little bit more, and hate a little bit less. We need to love, and desire freedom, and justice for ourselves because it’s a necessity, but we also need to learn to want the same for others. If we all can just come together on one accord, then we would live in a much better