In the second study, 210 college students were allowed to play Wolfenstein 3D, an extremely violent game, or Myst, a nonviolent game. After a short time, it was found that the students who played the violent game punished an opponent for a longer period of time compared to the students who played the non violent game. Dr. Anderson concluded by saying, "Violent video games provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive solutions to conflict situations. It the short run, playing a violent video game appears to affect aggression by priming aggressive thoughts." Despite the fact that this study was for a short term effect, longer term effects are likely to be possible as the player learns and practices new aggression-related scripts that can become more and more accessible for the real-life conflict that may arise. (9)
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Dota Addiction
Dota means `Defense of the Ancients’ according to Icefrog the head of Blizzard group. This game is a custom scenario for warcraft III based on the`Acon of strife’map for starcraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents `Ancients’. The two teams ancient are heavily guarded structure at opposing corner of the map . Players use powerful units know as heroes ,and are assisted by allied heroes and AI controlled fights called `creeps’-Players level-up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission. The Scenario was developed with the world editor of Keign Chaos and was updated upon the release of its expansions , The Frozen Throne. There hare been many variations of the birigihal concept ; The most popular being Dota Allstars which eventually was simplified to Dota with the release of version 6.68 . The specific