Maybe Hillary Clinton is short-circuiting so early and often that she doesn't remember what she did and now she assumes everyone is out to get her for no reason? Or, and this would be unfortunate, she is still trying to keep those skeletons locked …show more content…
Either they didn't trust the government system due to paranoia, or they were interested in hiding their activities. It doesn't matter which it is, we should never have a president who suffers from paranoia, or one that is inherently corrupt usurping power.
What do I think? Well, I think the whole blame-the-Republicans and Conspiracy Theorists is a little overplayed by the Clintons, and that this diversion tactic has worked so well in the past for the Clintons (Playing Victim) that they continue to play that card. The Democrats have quite a history of playing victim, Barack Obama did that for instance.
Of course, I might be called a "racist" or "sexist" for writing this article, and for sure a "Conspiracy Theorist" to which I am not, rather I am merely an observer of Political Rhetoric 101 and the seventh grade debating tactics of one, Hillary Clinton. If you are a Clinton supporter, that is your right, but I suggest you consider what I am saying here, think about it, open your mind, ditch a few of those talking points and then vote accordingly my fellow American - after all, one way or another, we are all in this together, and it does