The hire Purchase acT
Chapter 507
Revised Edition 2010 (1982) Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney General
CAP. 507
[Rev. 2010
ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS part I–prelImInary Section 1–Short title. 2–Interpretation. 3–Application. part II–regIstratIon 4–Establishment of registry. 5–Agreements to be registered. part III–provIsIons as to hIre-purChase agreements 6–Requirements relating to agreements. 7–Avoidance of certain provisions in agreements. 8–Conditions and warranties implied in agreements. part Iv–Change of address and removal of goods
9 –Change of address and removal of goods from premises. 10–Removal of goods from Kenya. 11–Court may allow goods to be removed. part v–temInatIon and CompletIon of agreement 12–Hirer may terminate agreement. 13–Hirer may complete agreement. part vI–reCovery of possessIon by suIt 14–Adverse possession. 15–Recovery of possession where two-thirds of price paid. 16–Provisions where suit instituted. 17–Where order for delivery of goods postponed.
Rev. 2010] Section
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part vII–lICensIng of hIre-purChase busInesses 18–Licence required to carry on hire-purchase business. 19–Licensing officer. 20–Granting of licences. 21–Where renewal of licence refused. 22–Appeals. 23–Licence to be displayed. part vIII–mIsCellaneous 24–Successive agreements between same parties. 25–Owner to account for proceeds of sale. 26–Hirer’s refusal to surrender goods not conversion. 27–Hirer may require information. 28– Appropriation of payments where more than one agreement. 29–Limitation on enforcement of agreement. 30–Agreement binding on trustee or liquidator of owner. 31–Bankruptcy of hirer. 32– Service of notices. 32A–Minister may determine interest rates, etc. 33–Minister’s power to obtain information. 34–False information. 35–Minister’s power to make rules. subsIdIary legIslatIon.