Step one to the making of a murderer: Destroying everything one loves and cares about. Kissin´n Kate Barlow was not always Kissin´n Kate. Believe or not she too was once a pleasing person, known as Katherine Barlow. In her normal life she was a teacher with a school house. Her school house was in dire need of repairs. When a young man selling onions bargained with her. Their deal was that the young man Sam would repair the schoolhouse in exchange for eight jars of Katherine´s prize winning peaches. As Sam fixed the schoolhouse, Katherine sat there slowly becoming in love with him. One day she actually kissed Sam! Charles Walker, jealous of the kiss burns her entire schoolhouse with his followers …show more content…
Step two to the making of a murderer: ignorance.
She ran to the sheriff and begged to stop Charles. Charles´s family was the richest family in Green Lake and the sheriff preferred to stay out of the way. The sheriff was drunk and, ¨he said you kissed Sam, don't I get get a kiss.¨ Katherine slapped him for his ignorance. The sheriff then said,¨ Eh, I always get drunk before a hanging.¨ At first Katherine was puzzled then she put the puzzle together: they were going to kill Sam! The reason for this is that in those times it was illegal for a black man to kiss a white woman. When Katherine kissed Sam, she knew Sam was black and a lady named Patty saw them. Then gossiped to the whole town! Then again the law is the law. Well, she did not care about the
Step three to the making of a murderer: the death of a loved one. In desperation and despair she ran to the docks to find Sam. Her voice broken in tears rushed Sam to row his boat across the lake as quickly as possible. There again was Charles Walker, with his ¨motorized¨ boat, speeding off to kill Sam! ¨No, No,¨Kate cried for Sams life. Then,*Bang*. A shot that was heard around the world. Even the Earth cried as Sam died. Katherine´s beloved had died. The only one she would ever come to love. Dead. Right in front of her, all for one dumb but cherished kiss.
Step four: The murderer. This is why Katherine had transitioned to Kiss´n Kate. This led her to steal from those who had everything. Sort of like a robin hood but the money for her and to hurt the pockets of those rich. It is as Nelson Mandela once said,¨When a man/woman is denied the right to live in what he/she believes in, he/she has no choice but to become an outlaw.