Many people imagine themselves having to eat foods that resemble rabbit food or completely doing without their favorite foods and drinks to achieve weight loss. If you add to that mindset the problem of gimmick diets that really don't work, it becomes apparent why people have a negative opinion of diets and dieting products in general. Just because there are weight loss programs and products that are questionable, it does not mean that there are not effective ones available for you to use. A great example of a good safe product is Hoodia products. The Hoodia diet is different from most new age diets. Most diets expect you to reduce your intake of certain types of food. Some of these foods can be red meat, white flour, and most always sweets. Some of these diets are not easy to follow and stick to as they suggest mostly fresh fruits and vegetables as the staple of the diet. Most people are searching for a diet solution that will enable them to lose weight without eating foods they dislike or without having to basically starve themselves. The Hoodia products are a good choice for an alternative to typical diets of calorie restriction and depravation. There are several important things you must know before taking or starting a diet with Hoodia products. First, speak to your doctor to make sure you can safely start the Hoodia diet. Secondly, if you are cleared by your physician, …show more content…
This experiment is great for a classroom because you can try a wide variety of different products. You should be careful to look at the labels of each however to see that the volume given in milliliters is the same and the overall weight is the same. The cans are a certain volume and possible could hold more or less fluid, but if the fluid amount is the same then you are comparing the known volume and the known mass in grams. The sugar molecule is actually quite a large and heavy molecule and can fit together in the same volume of space that the artificially sweetened soda would take and this means that it has a higher density per unit volume. If it exceeds the density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter it will be heavier than water and then sink, if it has a density of less than 1 gram per cubic centimeter it will float. (Note: This does not mean the diet soda will float like a boat on the surface of the water, but it may be peeking just above the surface a small amount.. Part of the problem with doing this experiment in a classroom is that you really need a very large and tall glass or clear plastic container that is only about 1/2 inch to an inch greater in diameter than the can itself. This will prevent the can from flipping on to the side. I have found such containers in some stores that sell a