Horror genre is appropriate for middle school students being that it gets them interested about reading. In the article “The Tell Tale Heart” stated by Edgar Allan Poe “ True!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am! but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses—not destroyed—not dulled them.” One can infer that with this attention grabber students are intrigued into reading, and finding out what is to come in the story. Many argue that horror genre scares readers to the point where they just loose interest, and don’t want to read anymore, however it’s proven that most horror genres has an calm and simple attention …show more content…
Sharon A. Russell in “What Is The Horror Genre?” stated “ If the horror genre uses the character’s search for information to create suspense, it controls when and where we get our knowledge.” In other words as we are reading and horror genre we subconsciously pick up new valuable information, that would come in handy later on in life. Many people argue that horror genre doesn’t inform you about anything besides suspension, however when you look and observe how the genre has changed and developed, you’ll notice all the knowledge that you’ve gained from reading horror