I was 33 when WW1 started. I volunteered almost immediately. I was called into service in the 129th Field Artillery. I was then promoted to Captain in France, and I led my men successfully through heavy fire in the Meuse-Argonne Campaign. I served as a Senator first, and then Vice President. After Roosevelt's death I became president and helped end WWII. You have said that you were only senator because of your husband's death, however the senate isn’t hereditary. How could this have happened? Was your place in senate possibly illegally obtained?
Regardless I’m here to convince you that the loyalty act, or Executive Order #9835, is necessary. The loyalty act asks all government employees …show more content…
to sign an oath promising secrecy and loyalty to America, meaning they cannot tell Soviets, or anyone else, any information that was obtained through their work in the government, which is clearly harmless. My opponent, Senator Chase, thinks that it is simply not needed, with no evidence to back your point.
In a time of war it is considered treason to leak information to the Soviets.
How, then is it against our rights? We are in the middle of a very dangerous conflict, and we need to keep our confidential information safe.
The loyalty act is designed to prevent a communist witch hunt, but still root communist influence in the government. You have said that we already have people looking for Soviet spies- but the only thing we have is the House Un-American Activities Committee. The HUAC is the main contributor to the fear, distrust, and repression of this anti communist age. Like I said above, this will do the opposite of what the HUAC is doing. Isn’t that good? Im sure you don’t want fear in the eyes of the US people. We need to be sure that the loyalty of our government employees stands with America and not Communist Russia. If someone gives the atomic bomb secrets to Russia, hundreds of Americans will be killed. Senator Chase, would you like ANY Americans to be killed? If you’re that keen on protecting your rights, you have the right to quit your job.
Signing this act is as little as putting your name on a piece of paper saying that you won’t give out classified information. I would like to remind you that it is not hurting our country at all, and it is only helping
Lastly I would like to ask, where is your evidence, senator? How can you accuse me of being untruthful if you don’t have any evidence to back your point? Surely you of all people, Senator Chase, would understand that it is mandatory for me to take these actions. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, I would like to say thank you for your time, Harry Truman.