To begin with, the title would attract attention: Chambers uses the word ‘heart’ (Chambers, 2006), making it all more personal as a start. If housekeeping staff would read this, they would feel flattered in some ways; if people interested in getting training for their hotel would read it, they would be made, if they hadn’t already, to realise the importance of the department in a hotel. A continued example of the importance Chambers places on housekeeping (meant for reader awareness) is to be found in paragraph 3, where she includes herself in the subtle ‘Why do we as an industry tend to neglect this department when it comes to classroom training?’ (Chambers, 2006).
By speaking of her own experiences (’When I first began my career in training…’ - Chambers, 2006) and having a picture of herself by the article, the take on things is rather reassuring, like hearing a story one would be interested in. The word ‘concerned’ (Chambers, 2006) is repeated throughout the first paragraph, showing of the real interest she took in the matter. However, Chambers manages to keep on the professional side by using words such as ‘payroll impact’ (Chambers, 2006); for example; a person unrelated to the hospitality business would not understand this
References: Chambers, L. (2006).Training the heart of the hotel. Retrieved Friday 16th February 2007, from Finding Revenue Every Day: Fred programs (2006). Retrieved Friday 16th February 2006 from Fournier, S. (2007, February 22). In Rooms Division Operation class Newport Hospitality Group, Inc.: Our team. (n.d.). Retrieved Friday 16th February 2006 from