Current potential sources of stress include college courses and exams, relationship, wedding planning, and moving in with his fiancee.
Question 2-In addition to his complaints of recurrent headaches, which assessment data might reflect manifestations of the stress response?
Assessment data that reflect manifestations of the stress response include elevated respiratory rate and elevated blood pressure.
Question 3-Describe the effects of coffee and nicotine intake, including how these effects are similar to those evoked by the stress response.
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. According to our Pharmacology textbook, physical effects of caffeine …show more content…
The staff nurse could support and facilitate the interventions prescribed by offering to call and schedule the massage appointment and by answering any questions the client may have.
Question 3-Identify three nursing diagnoses that are appropriate for inclusion in Mr. DeLarno’s nursing plan of care.
1.Stress overload related to an increase in psychobiological factors as evidenced by re-occurring headaches.
2.Anxiety related to stress as evidenced by insomnia and irritability.
3.Ineffective coping related to situational crises as evidenced by an inability to meet role expectations.
Question 4-What additional recommendations could be offered by the staff nurse to promote healthy sleep-rest patterns for this client?
Additional recommendations that could be offered to promote healthy sleep-rest patterns include...
-Encourage the patient to maintain a 24-hour fatigue or activity log for at least 1 week.
-Restrict environmental stimuli, especially during planned times for rest and sleep.
-Educate the patient and family about task organization methods and time organization