
How Did Alexander Conquer Egypt

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After seeing Alexander’s relations with the Egyptians, it is evident that it helped him conquer Egypt, but also caused him problems later with his military forces. The way that it helped him conquer Egypt was that he became viewed as a living God or Pharaoh. Instead of being satisfied with invading Egypt and overcame the Persians, he wanted to win over the hearts of the Egyptian people. He did this by accepting Egyptian traditions and not challenging them with his Greek traditions at first. This led the Egyptians to believe that he was one of them and loved him. Then Alexander visited a temple where he was believed to be the divine ruler on and took on the appearance of a Pharaoh. Thus, effecting a sympathetic regime change. Though, he still wanted more and needed to find a city that would hold his name forever. This led him to meet with Homer. He told him he would find this city on the island in the sea of …show more content…

Since they wanted this, it led Hypatia to come into conflict with the greatest political operator of her time. The problem escalated when the new bishop Cyril was ordained in the city. This is because he didn’t want to settle for just Spiritual authority, but wanted also wanted power on earth. He didn’t want to share any of these with the pagans in society. This changed Alexandria forever because he wanted to have control over everything. Since Hypatia was weather and an educated pagan, it meant she was a witch in his eyes. This led to him putting about rumors about this and required her to die. When Hypatia was found, she was dragged out of her carriage and had her clothes ripped off. This was considered degrading to someone of her stature. Then she was pulled into a temple and flayed alive with anything people could get their hands on. When this was done, they pulled her body limb from limb and burned them at the edge of the

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