how to live with natural laws by understanding which things in life are good and evil and which are morally indifferent. After the assassination of his father, Alexander the Great took over his father throne and continued the conquest of the Persian Empire.
With Alexander's conquests also came great cultural change. In West Asia and North Africa, tradesmen, intellectuals and aristocrats who were neither Greek nor Macedonian, had begun developing an interest in the Greek ways. The Greek gymnasium became popular. It was a place for bathing and physical exercise. The gymnasium was also a place for training in grammar, rhetoric and poetry. In addition, those who passed through training at the gymnasium acquired a status similar to a modern college degree. The increase in trade and travel enhanced an awareness of distance places. An increase in migrations from city to city and from the countryside to city cut people off from their old tribal ties and increased individualism. So too did the increase in commerce. A new cosmopolitanism was rising. Among city governments came a greater desire for cooperation with other cities, such as offering other cities freedom from import and export duties to encourage trade. Cities began offering other cities exchanges of
citizenship. Literature, Architecture, and Sculpture all were enhanced after the death Alexander the Great. The Greeks started to collect and store their literature in museum, which were called a great research institute. As cities were conquers, they we rebuilt by the architectural and sculptural grid plan. In comparison with Ancient Greek culture, our society is not Hellenized. But I think our actions in the Middle East are similar to those of Alexander the Great. When we first invaded Iraq, we started the Hellenizing process of the country. As Alexander did, the US is used military tactics not conquer the Iraq but to rebuild and reshape it. At the beginning of the war, we used the same tactics that Alexander used. We neutralized Iraq’s strong positions first, Saddam Hussein palaces. Then we move to Saddam individual positions throughout the country. After we captured Saddam, we introduce the country to a better political system that is helping the country to become more organized and independent country.