Juarez created a very stable government in his time as president because of his ew economic plans based on foreign trade, and foreign investment he also limited the power of the church. Juarez eventually passed away during his term as president, and a new president eventually followed by the name of Sebastian Lerdo. Lerdo was democratically elected and followed Juarez in his economic plans but eventually his government was overthrown because of the accusation that he had violated the constitution by running for a second term. The man who followed in power …show more content…
This time was known as the Porfiriato and it was built on the belief that the economy would only grow from stability and progress. Diaz used secret police forces to keep oppositions at bay so he could continue to rule unchallenged. However during his rule economic inequality became massive causing the richer to benefit and the poor to suffer, and indigenous communities continued to lose land going from 25% of land owned to 2% losing a large percent to richer families and foreigners. Diaz continued his path and more and more land was lost to the Rich and U.S investors. And although there were many disgruntled people there were very different view among them on how things should change causing three groups to rise wanting different things but all opposed the rule of