From the moment African Americans got into slavery everything …show more content…
The Slaves had to live by laws, that is around anymore. The laws and rules were very struck, that they had to follow. If any slave tried to run away they would be punished for it. Even if the slaves ran away and where to be found they would be brought back into slavery. Slaves could make it to the north but they could still be sent back. That’s why when most of the slaves were to run away that would head up to what’s now Canada, so they couldn’t be sent back (Currie 23). Another one was if anyone was to help the slaves get out of slavery, whites would also be punished for it. But whites would help them anyway. Whites would have a secret room where they would put the slaves overnight. Whites would set out a light so the slaves know to go there (Currie 23). Slaves weren’t even allowed to read or write. If the owner or any of the watchers found out, the slaves would be punished for it. There was one really good law that helped the slaves, it was that no slave could be punished for fun. But that most of the time the master didn’t follow it (Currie 24). No women were allowed to beat a slave. Most of the time the master's wife would go and trade the slaves; so the master could stay and watch all the slaves. There was another good law that they had. Children five and under were not allowed to be sold without their mother or is their mother their dad. They made that law because the children are too young to work in fields that can only work in the house at that time (David 55). Most of the laws had to do with punishments and what they could and couldn’t do, or the things that the slaves could