
How Did The American Revolution Influence The French Revolution

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How Did The American Revolution Influence The French Revolution
French Revolution The American Revolution inspired many people around the world in the ideas of democracy and this was certainly true of France, which had sent over many soldiers to fi ght in the Americas and had helped subsidize the war. In fact, it was the crisis in the royal fi nances, partly because of the money paid in the American War of Independence, that resulted in the series of events that led to the French Revolution. Louis XVI had become king in 1774, and until 1776, his comptroller-general of fi nances was AnneRobert-Jacques Turgot. In 1777 Jacques Necker was appointed as director-general of fi nances, and he tried to change the French taxation system to make it more uniform. This involved eroding the power of some of the law courts, which preserved aristocratic privileges. …show more content…
Charles-Alexandre de Calonne became comptroller-general of fi nances in 1783, and his aim was not to have any austerity drives nor reign in expenditure but to spend more to encourage the economy and also increase the confi dence of potential creditors in the stability of the French fi nancial system. However, Calonne realized that this would not work in the long term and what was needed was a new taxation system. REFORMATION AND CONSTITUTION The new taxation system would be a universal land tax that would replace all other taxes. To get this approved, it was necessary to have it supported by the Assembly of Notables. The assembly was convened in 1787 but refused to accept this, and Calonne was soon replaced by the leader of the assembly, Étienne-Charles Loménie de Brienne. Brienne, however, quickly came to see the merit in Calonne’s proposals and put his ideas to the king. The Paris Parlément and the 14 provincial parléments liked many of the administrative reforms but baulked at the idea of a universal land

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