Marta Martínez Montoya
Meritxell Sellarés Puig
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
2. The speech act of apologising 3
3. The Catalan apology forms 5
4. The English apology forms 8
5. Catalan vs. English apology strategies 10 5.1 Similarities 5.2 Differences
6. Discussion 12
7. Conclusion 12
8. Bibliography 12
9. Appendix 13
1. Introduction The aims of this paper are proving that each culture has its own apology system and highlighting that it is impossible to establish an apology system that works for everybody. For this reason, this paper will examine the realisations of the speech act of apologising by the Catalan and the English speakers. Particularly, it not only looks at the apology strategies that are employed by the Catalans and the English, but also exposes their different IFID’s (Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices). At the end, we hope that this research leads not only the Catalan speakers, but also the English ones to a better command of their apologising behaviour. In the light of previous research on apologies, we are going to state the following hypotheses and see whether they can be accepted or refused at the end of this research paper:
1- Catalan and English speakers will present different apology forms (IFID’s).
2- We expect divergent apology strategies in each language.
3- Catalan apologies are going to be much stronger than the English ones.
2. The speech act of apologising As it has been stated in the introduction, apologies are going to be our main focus in this paper. An apology is a speech act that shows one’s regret for having insulted, failed or wronged another. In other words, as Vanderveken (1991) long ago emphasized, “when one apologises, one expresses sorrow or regret for something with the preparatory conditions that one is responsible for it and that is bad for the hearer”.
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