Points Possible: 80
Of the following three questions, answer two of your choice.
1. For this question, answer all five parts (a, b, c, d, e) in complete sentences.
a. Looking carefully at William Lloyd Garrison's first editorial of The Liberator (Links to an external site.), how do you think revivalism shaped Garrison's convictions and his approach to abolition?
The question whether there are any universal moral principles or whether morality is merely a matter of "cultural taste." Differences in moral practices across cultures raise an important issue in ethics -- the concept of "ethical relativism." Relativism shaped his believes in ethnic differences and Garrison believed that slavery was immoral regardless of their ethnic differences. …show more content…
The number slaves grew in the Cherokee area as whites took over the land and began to grow cotton, mine gold/ore, using slaves.
Part II
Points Possible: 20
Identify and give the historical significance of each of the following:
1. Nicholas Biddle: American financier of the second bank of the US. He was an ancestor of William Penn and the Quakers. He was devoted to American Independence and was the VP of the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania alongside council president, and famous Benjamin Franklin.
2. Nullification: a sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by South Carolina’s 1832, Ordinance of Nullification. This Ordinance by SC decleaired that tariffs by the federal government were null and void. The nation suffered an economic downturn throughout the 1820s, and South Carolina was particularly affected.
3. Charles Grandison Finney: American Prebyterian minister and leader of an second great awakening. Together with several other evangelical leaders, his religious views led him to promote social reforms, such as abolition of slavery and equal education for women and African