Tea has many great health bonuses , but is bad for your teeth. The tea color or type depends on how stained your teeth will be. With lighter colors being not so bad and dark colors staining worse. Tannins are substances found in plants. When in tea, these are the things that stain your teeth. This can be avoided if you just add milk or drink with a straw. You can also rinse your mouth out with water after drinking. Iced tea on the other hand is good for your teeth and when you drink it it helps …show more content…
It contains lots of sugar which is gobbled up by bacteria in your mouth, that turns into acid. That acid erodes away teeth and triggers cavities. The bacteria aggravates the gums causing gum disease which debilitates teeth and causes them to fall out. Fruit juice also wears away enamel over time just like coffee, that also leads to eventual tooth loss. Fruit Juice is often used as an alternate of sodas for children because people believe it will cause less damage to your teeth. It actually causes more damage because it contains more acid. Brushing your teeth after drinking juice can help lessen the levels of bacteria on your teeth.
Sodas such as coke and diet coke use phosphoric acids which is also used in industrial cleaners. Caramel die is used to create the brown in coca cola but doesn’t add to the flavor. The caramel adds to the yellowing of teeth. To prevent tooth decay, don’t drink as much Coke and other soft drinks. Other ways to prevent yellowing from Coke is drinking out of a straw and brush your teeth right after ingesting it to prevent