The first solution to feeding a growing population is to teach about food security. Food Security is, “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.”. By 2100, the world population is predicted to be up to 11 billion people. Food Security is built on food availability, food access, and food use. Most people would assume that higher the population, the higher the amount of food produced, but if the population rises, the amount of food produced will drop. In the U.S alone we …show more content…
But will the entire world work together to end it? No, the world will not band together. The Eastern Hemisphere and The Western Hemisphere will remain completely adverse to the other and only try and help their sides of the world. But if world hunger is a global problem shouldn't we all work together to fix it? The world should band together and work on a solution as a whole instead of separate countries only helping the impoverished countries. World hunger affects developed and developing countries and as the world population grows with every passing minute, so does the number of impoverished people in the