My first reason to support why Margot wants to be excepted but doesn't know how is because she doesn’t know how to socialize, when everybody was bunched together waiting for the rain to stop she stood apart from them and didn’t say anything to anybody or even go near them.This shows she is shy because she is different than the other kids. Also when Margot read her poem
about the sun, she read in a quiet voice and when she finished and a boy said that she didn’t really write that, she didn’t really argue. It is important to notice that she read in a quiet voice. She read in a quiet voice means that she is used to being bullied and she’s shy, therefore she is different and the difference is a really important part of the story. This is significant because she has only been on Venus for five years when the other kids have been there for seven. Even though Margot is bullied and shy she still wants to be excepted. Again the text stated that she stood alone and didn’t say anything, but this time it said that if she did it would sound like a ghost. This shows that she hasn’t talked in awhile and is scared to. This is important to notice because she hasn’t talked in a long time or has talked but not very forcefully or loud.
A second reason is that she doesn’t have the defense or any understanding to stop them. For example when the kids were pushing her she didn’t try to stop them, this shows she didn’t have the skills to stop them because she just let them push her. Some other evidence that I have is that she said No very softly while she was falling back. It is important to notice that she didn’t yell or scream when she said no her body went limp and she said it softly while the other kids were pushing her towards the closet. Another piece of evidence that suggests this is that when she was falling back and mumbling no her eyes looked helpless, and maybe because she was. This is important because it said that she was completely helpless, she didn’t have an ounce of chance. Even though Margot is shy and quiet she still wants to be accepted and when she is pushed around that just makes her try even harder which makes the other kids harsher. This all proves that she wants to be excepted but doesn’t know how. I see how she is shy and gets bullied but she hasn’t gave up on trying to be excepted.