is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts to the class. Neville sees Professor Snape and defeats it by picturing it in his grandmother’s clothes.
I think J.
K Rowling’s main idea with fear is we need fear to become stronger. There are a number of big scenes with a Boggart in them. The first one that comes to my mind is when Lupin is teaching defense against the dark arts to the class. Neville sees Professor Snape and defeats it by picturing it in his grandmother’s clothes. Another one that comes to my mind is the instance with Mrs. Weasley. It is in the fifth book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Mrs. Weasley encounters it in a desk at the HQ of the Order. Mrs. Weasley sees the corpses of her family and Harry. This shows that she loves nothing more than her family and Harry and her biggest fear is losing them. Mrs. Weasley was crying so hard she couldn’t defeat it and Remus Lupin had to come in and go get rid of it. One last one that comes to mind is Harry seeing the Dementor. Harry was able to defeat it by not letting his fear get to him and quickly getting rid of it. I believe J.K. Rowling put this in here to show you need to overcome your fears to grow. All three of these moments were a turning point for characters in the story. In Harry’s and Neville’s case it helped them get over their fears. In Mrs. Weasley’s case it helped her know that she needed to become stronger and not be afraid of her dead loved
Although the Boggart is a made up character it is something I can relate to. I actually have a Boggart of my own and it is a fear of heights. Ever since I was little I absolutely hated looking out over very high edges and I hated that gut feeling when you plummet down a roller coaster. I have understood that the only way to get over my fear is to do more of them and eventually work my way up. At Kennywood, my fear a few years ago was so bad that I refused to ride the Sky Rocket and the Phantoms Revenge. This past year I actually rode the Sky Rocket and liked it. That helped me realize that if I can get over my fear I will really like it. Hopefully in a few years to come I will have no fear of heights and I plan on making that goal happen.