I had never considered myself to be much of a professional, because I do not like to take things too seriously. Gisella would often point out that my clothes were not professional because my shorts or dress were too short. I was even warned that if I wore unprofessional attire, I would be sent home. In retrospect, I did not want to dress in a sophisticated matter because I wanted to represent my true authentic self. Unfortunately, during a tutoring session a male student seemed to be very distracted by my shorts and my unshaved legs. I took notice of this, and realized the way I portrayed myself was a way to set the tone for a tutoring session. If I went into a tutoring session looking too casual, a student might interpret that as me not caring about my job; as a result, the student might not care about the tutoring session. I also learned the importance of recognizing other people’s biases, while respecting their thoughts and opinions. I realize that leg hair can be shocking to people who hold traditional perceptions of gender, especially femininity. I decided not to wear short shorts to work anymore, because it caused distractions during my tutoring sessions. I decided to make a compromise between expressing myself and being a professional, and began wearing capris to
I had never considered myself to be much of a professional, because I do not like to take things too seriously. Gisella would often point out that my clothes were not professional because my shorts or dress were too short. I was even warned that if I wore unprofessional attire, I would be sent home. In retrospect, I did not want to dress in a sophisticated matter because I wanted to represent my true authentic self. Unfortunately, during a tutoring session a male student seemed to be very distracted by my shorts and my unshaved legs. I took notice of this, and realized the way I portrayed myself was a way to set the tone for a tutoring session. If I went into a tutoring session looking too casual, a student might interpret that as me not caring about my job; as a result, the student might not care about the tutoring session. I also learned the importance of recognizing other people’s biases, while respecting their thoughts and opinions. I realize that leg hair can be shocking to people who hold traditional perceptions of gender, especially femininity. I decided not to wear short shorts to work anymore, because it caused distractions during my tutoring sessions. I decided to make a compromise between expressing myself and being a professional, and began wearing capris to