The book was very different from the movie. The book everyone died, and in the movie Vera and Lombard lived. There were a lot of things changed like there was not a cat in the book and in the movie there was. In the book, Vera shot Lombard, and in the movie he faked his death because he knew that someone was still alive. The movie didn't really have that big storm like in the book. Vera had a different story on who
she killed in the movie than the book. The characters in the book didn't go well within the characters in the movie Vera and Emily had different stories.
The ending was very different in the book and in the movie. In the movie to people survive and in the book no one lives they, all die. However, they both have the same thing like when Wargrave got Armstrong on his side. Their stories were still different in the book and in the movie. They did have a twist on the ending Vera never talked to Wargrave about his plan and he never really thought that Lombard would still be alive .