In the short story by Mortimer Adler in How To Mark A Book Mortimer states that it is just as important to read between lines as it is to write between the lines. Most people would think marking a book would be an act of mutilation but not according to Mortimer. Purchasing a book with money is only a intro to book ownership. According to Mortimer “full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it“. Mortimer Adler has categorized book ownership into three. The case where one owns books but does not read them and the other where one exhausts the book content into his brain by marking the book. The other case is where one may have many books but has read few and most of them in are good condition. This person probably wants to make full use of the book but is said to have false respect for the book. Marking a book brings about thoughtful reading and leads to “shaken and loosening of the books due to continual usage”. Marking a book is an act of love and not of mutilation. Among other things, marking a book involves underlining sentences, drawing vertical lines on the underlined sentences to emphasize importance of the statement, writing numbers on the margin to show sequence of the points. I agree with Mortimer because when I read I have to highlight and underline stuff because I don’t really understand what I’m reading. It may seem like it’s bad to mark a book because in school we always hear don’t write in the textbook, but really it is actually helping us understand the material better.
In the short story by Mortimer Adler in How To Mark A Book Mortimer states that it is just as important to read between lines as it is to write between the lines. Most people would think marking a book would be an act of mutilation but not according to Mortimer. Purchasing a book with money is only a intro to book ownership. According to Mortimer “full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it“. Mortimer Adler has categorized book ownership into three. The case where one owns books but does not read them and the other where one exhausts the book content into his brain by marking the book. The other case is where one may have many books but has read few and most of them in are good condition. This person probably wants to make full use of the book but is said to have false respect for the book. Marking a book brings about thoughtful reading and leads to “shaken and loosening of the books due to continual usage”. Marking a book is an act of love and not of mutilation. Among other things, marking a book involves underlining sentences, drawing vertical lines on the underlined sentences to emphasize importance of the statement, writing numbers on the margin to show sequence of the points. I agree with Mortimer because when I read I have to highlight and underline stuff because I don’t really understand what I’m reading. It may seem like it’s bad to mark a book because in school we always hear don’t write in the textbook, but really it is actually helping us understand the material better.