1. Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work
The Early Warning Signs of Job Stress (employee’s)
The first thing that has to be done to prevent stress is to actually know that you are under stress;
Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace stress are things such as feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed at work, problems sleeping, Fatigue, headaches and in some extreme cases, having thoughts about suicide. It is important for ourselves to know what situations we are in so we can effectively overcome the problem before it escalades to a more serious matter.
It's in a manager's best interest to keep stress levels in the workplace to a minimum. Managers can act as positive role models, especially in times of high stress, by following the tips outlined in this article. If a respected manager can remain calm in stressful work situations, it is much easier for his or her employees to also remain calm.
2. Take care of yourself
When stress at work interferes with your ability to perform in your job it give an indication that the current lifestyle maybe the cause of work related stress. Because most of the stress is psychologically based, taking care of one’s health continuously will help prevent
There are a list of things that can be done to take care of yourself such as
1. Improve your time management and organization skills – good as it will prevent a person from being stressed over deadlines and targets.
2. Getting regular exercise. – even though it may be the last thing you would feel like doing,
3. Get more sleep. Getting more sleep will aid relieving stress and anxiety. Being able to get enough rest will give you more energy level and your ability to concentrate.
Taking precautionary steps will help lift workplace mood and increase energy. Small steps like these can have an adverse effect .When your own needs are taken care of, you’re