Some Americans may vote for Donald Trump, but before placing a ballot at least consider having an open mind as to why Hillary is a good candidate. Hillary Clinton has been first lady of the United States, born in Chicago, Illinois, is apart of the democratic party, 68 years old, has served as secretary of state, and lastly first lady of Arkansas.Hillary Clinton should win the presidential election because she supports immigration, reducing greenhouse gasses, and raising the minimum wage.
First, I bet a lot of people remember their first jobs, but do they remember how much they got paid? The average minimum wage currently is $2.13 for tipped workers as long as the total is not less than 7.25 per hour. Minimum wage is a large economic issue in our country for especially young people or people who are undereducated and did not go to college. Hillary plans on changing minimum wage and raising it to $12. I know a lot of people think raising the minimum wage also raises the prices of everything else, and it does, but for those who make minimum wage $12 is a huge step and it makes things more affordable.
Hillary Clinton should win because she is raising minimum and that will positively affect the economy.
Second, Hillary supports and wants to help immigrants. An article titled …show more content…
“Upfront,Clinton v.s. Trump” by “The New York Times” states Hillary’s take on immigration and it states “ Clinton supports broad immigration reform and like, President Obama, says she favors protections for certain groups of undocumented immigrants, including young people brought here illegally as children.” On the other hand of our other candidate , in the same article, it states “Trump promises to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants and that he’ll make Mexico foot the bill. He’s also proposed a temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the U.S.” Clearly these two candidates have two totally different takes on immigration. Hillary Clinton should win because she supports immigration and protecting illegal immigrants
Third, as sad as it is dramatic climate change is killing the earth.
Greenhouse gasses are a major problem and theses harmful gasses come from cars, factories, and other objects we use on a daily basis. Hillary Clinton says she will try and not only reduce greenhouse gasses, but try and find renewable energy sources. If Hillary Clinton finds renewable energy sources not only will that save our earth, but it also saves money because it’s renewable so we won’t have to constantly spend money on oil and gas which are the two most popular and most harmful. Hillary Clinton should win because she plans on reducing greenhouse gasses and finding new renewable energy