(b) The target retail price for the new telephone is $165.00 per unit. The markup demanded by retailers is 50%. Based on cost factors, write a brief rationale for acceptance or rejection of the project, including any recommendations you have regarding the cost estimates.…
With McDonald’s change to refocus their product lines, they must reevaluate their consumer to understand what the consumer wants, needs, and overall goals. A more health focus consumer base will be more concerned with what they are ingesting into their bodies for fuel and will select restaurants that are aligned with their over goals.…
Transforming a brick-and-mortar business to an e business is not an easy task. The first step in creating an e-business is to conduct a market research on the competition we need to gather information such as shipping costs, price points, web navigation shopping cart procedures, and alternate revenue streams. The next step would be to create a detailed business plan with sales projections, budgets, goals, and actions. The third step is creating a Domain name that reflects your business for example: UNFO.com/ UNFO.ORG. After this step we have clearly identified the target market in the different fishing towns in Michigan, then an advertising budgets for online strategies, we also need to establish different distribution channels of the merchandise if shipping is required. Then we UNFO need to determine if the company is going to sell goods or services or advertising. One of the most important aspect of the customer information that is going to be handle would be Data Management, since we are handling customer data, such as credit cards information, mailing addresses, it is essential to have a published policy detailing how the information would be gathered, stored, and secured. A well effective return policy would be clearly stated and acknowledged by the customers. The other important aspect is weather the data will be updated and maintained in-house or outsource support. At last we will need to implement a Customer Service department and determine the methods for online customer service.…
Abrose Bierce created a work of literature “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” a short story that takes place during the Civil War. Farquhar the protagonist in this short story is being hanged. ““The commandant has issued an order, which is posted everywhere, declaring that any civilian caught interfering with the railroads, its bridges, tunnels, or trains, will be summarily hanged”(Bierce 770). Farquhar arrogance contributed to his death. He saw the signs that told him to not tamper with any traveling path or die. His disregard for the rule caused his untimely death and the flashbacks in his life before the incident.…
You're sitting in your frigid wooden hut, you’re stomach grumbling, and you’re eyes and mouth filled with thick, black smoke. This is when you realize that you will have the chance to quit very, very soon. But the question is, will you quit or will you re-enlist? To me this is a very simple decision. This decision is to either leave George Washington’s worn out army and go back to your beautiful wife and darling children or to endure another, awful, cruel, horrible year of a war life. I know what I would choose and I will give evidence on why this is the best answer for a soldier that is sick of Valley Forge in every way possible.…
The two main protagonists Lena (Danielle Hall) and Vaughn (Damian Pitt) have an aspiration to escape negative and marginalized futures. Traveling through memory and history, perform as a way of preventing these futures. Lena and Vaughn discover and recognize the past and the present in new views and this becomes fundamental to the characters’ perceptions of themselves. For Lena and Vaughn to accomplish…
My projects come from a business need I get my customers and team involved early I take the time to plan out the project I document everything, meetings, instructions, goals I use open communication and allow people to approach me without reprisal I address all issues immediately and look for a resolution I am not afraid to replace bad people in the project I lead by example…
What if everything in your life revolves around brain implants? In the novel, Feed, a girl named Violet experiences a malfunction, which changed her view of society. I can infer that Violet’s encounter with a seizure enabled her to notice how much technology affects her life, how her society differs, and resembles, her memories from when she was six, and comprehend the consequences of having a feed.…
UNIT 524. Facilitate change, in health and social care or children and young people’s settings.…
As are many teenagers his age, Gene is naïve and unfree in the summer of 1942. He justifies causing Finny's fall by saying,…
However the name Woodstock was chosen and it just stuck. In the town a Festival was held outside were 32 acts would perform drawing massive crowds of young people seeking the mystical Woodstock nation of song and legend. The town became famous, and with this fame the Festival attracted 400,000 youths. The once quiet town was now overrun with young people sleeping on benches, people hitchhiking in and out of town, camping in parking lots, and looking for food and clothing. Because of this one of the town’s residents Gail Varsi, noticed the need in these young people and opened up her house and phone to help those in need of help. She was especially protective of young people who were having parental issues. Instead of turning runaways over to police she would check that backgrounds, and if she found them to have abusive parents, she fought to protect them. If this is not the case she would call the police, and the police would call their parents. In the beginning the Woodstock family was severely restricted, all they could do was refer people to other organizations that can help them. By the second year needs in the community changed for the family of Woodstock, the organization begin to offer medical services along with a therapist and a doctor on site to help with the growing needs in the…
Apollo 13 is an American Drama Space film that depicts the real events of what happened to the actual Apollo 13 lunar mission to the moon. Apollo 13 was America's third attempt to land on the moon, but instead of awaiting its arrival, Apollo oxygen tank exploded causing an emergency evacuation. This essay will inform you on a problem from the launch of Apollo 13, what they did to resolve the issue, and how what I would have did to prevent the problem and how I would have approached the solution to the problem.…
After the arrival of Major Strasser you learn that a very important Czechoslovakian resistance leader, Victor Laszlo will be arriving in Casablanca and will be in pursuit of these valuable letters of transit in order to get to America. However under strict commands he is not to leave Casablanca. As Victor enters the bar accompanied by his wife Ilsa who in a twist of fate is a former lover of Ricks when he was in Paris. “As time goes by” you see that Ilsa is still in love with Rick and expresses to him why she had left him, the way she did in Paris, and explains why it is so important for Victor to reach America. Ilsa is aware that Rick is the only one what can help them escape. Tr everything in her power to have him give her the letters of transit. After agreeing to help her, he changes his plans unexpectedly and leaves Captain Louis, Ilsa and Victor in shock. The film seemed to have been following a fairly predictable story line, until the end where there the twist that you don’t expect at first leads you to see the bigger message, after you analyze the film as a…
I believe that the best practices in early childhood education include children’s ideas, parent’s values and teacher’s suggestions. All of these will benefit children’s learning as well as give them a good understanding of the environment around them. Teachers should be flexible with the daily schedule and open to different learning opportunities. This way, children will have less structured time and more opportunities to explore and learn. As I observe in some of the childcare centers, children do not have enough time to play or finish their investigation and projects. They are hurried to be putting their toys away, and this does not benefit their learning. Teachers should encourage children to explore and investigate the topic further. The center’s policies should exclude time outs, as it does not improve children’s behavior, but rather stimulates him to get more attention. Teachers should encourage children to solve problems, and help them out if they see that serious issue occurs. Also, the physical environment has a big impact on best practices too. It should be filled with warm colors and feel like home to children. If the children will feel like at home, they will feel safe, which will benefit their learning.…
This assignment required standing in a relatively busy place and do absolutely nothing for the duration of ten minutes. After considering where it would be best to do this assignment, I chose the Promenade mall in Temecula as my location. I stood near the movie theatre entrance on Friday evening around six thirty.…