Anyone that reads the horrific experiences that Dave Pelzer had to go through would be sure to report any possible case of child abuse that they witness. This is very important because even a small case of abuse should not be gone with being reported. “One in five children are physically, sexually, or emotionally abused in our country” (Pelzer 161). This statistic is crazy. Basically in a class of twenty-five, five students have been abused in their life. This is a crime that needs to be controlled. By reading this book, students become more aware of situations and also find ways to help.
In every situation there will always be people that disagree. Certain individuals might say that it is too much for a sixteen year old to handle. However, if sixteen year olds are mature enough to be on the road driving, they should be mature enough to read a book on child abuse. Another reason people may disagree with sophomores reading this novel is because there is quite a bit of foul language. However the society we live in, does swear a lot, whether it is on television, magazines with famous celebrities, or just walking down the hallway at school you will be sure to always hear