Mrs. Benedetto
Contemporary Literature
23 February, 2017
Formal Journal One.
The book The Martian is full of different perspectives and speeds throughout the story. This book starts in the perspective of an all knowing narrator. This narrator tells what happened to the Areas 3 team. Because it is happening as the story goes on you feel like you are part of the story which makes time go at a normal pass. The Areas 3 team is one of the first group of people to stay on Mars. They were supposed to stay on Mars for three months but their trip is cut short when the team has to leave early because of a storm. Mark the biochemist in the Areas 3 team is hit with an antenna while trying to get on the ship. The team was unable to find him …show more content…
It tells what is happening to get Mark home and how long he has left to live. It fills in any holes in the story and helps you to understand what is happening to the word at that point in time. One thing that was confusing about the story was the time period. It is said that the time period of this story is supposed to be set in 2035 but I don’t believe there was any obvious representation of this. The time period in this story could be present day if not for the fact that they are on Mars. The only informat that is given about time is that it is after the Apollo 11 moon landing. This is shown be Mark bragging that know his is cooler than Neil Armstrong. This shows that the story is not in a alternate universe it is the same world that we live in but it just has not happened yet. In other books like the Hunger Games the time period is shown by the story giving a time line. The book the Hunger Games is said to set in the year 2087. This is shown throughout the story by making references to things the we have in our everyday life and making them seem old and forgotten. This might be because The Martian is set only a couple years