Personal Statement
University at Albany-State University of New York
Degree Objective: Master of Science. Program-Forensic Chemistry
Department: Chemistry
If given the opportunity to be a part of the graduate program for chemistry this would allow me a second chance at focusing on my academics, gaining more professional skills, and most importantly allow me to obtain a degree which would better prepare me for a future career in chemistry. Having done my bachelor’s degree at the university I am already familiar with what is expected of the coursework, and value the exposure to the various laboratory equipment and techniques which are commonly used in the industry. Acceptance into the graduate program would further develop …show more content…
my skills as an independent researcher, sharpen my ability to problem solve and troubleshoot difficult tasks, and improve my ability to come up with solutions to complicated scientific problems. If accepted into the graduate program, I know by the time I complete the program I will better prepared and a much more competitive candidate in the job market.
As a prospective student, what may hold me back is my academic performance as an undergraduate. Coming into the University at Albany, I didn’t have a clear goal as to what I was interested in, nor did I have a clear understanding as to what I wanted out of my education. Chemistry at the time was just a topic which I particularly liked back in high school. While I did learn a lot from courses which I took as an undergraduate, the coursework did have its challenges which I struggled with. As an undergraduate, I also got exposed to different fields of work which I have never experienced before. This included religious organizations, EMS and hospital work, and other community service projects. While I did put time into my schoolwork and was able to graduate, the time I should have put towards my academics suffered when I was involved with other activities. As a prospective student now realizing the importance of having a strong undergraduate performance in coursework I do regret not placing more time towards my academic performance. Understanding where I made my mistakes, over the past year I have made efforts to demonstrate a stronger commitment to my education.
After graduation, I continued working in the research lab which I have been a part of since sophomore year, and worked closely with the professor over the past summer on a project using a microchip to analyze both secreted proteins and whole transcriptome from the same macrophage cell. During a time where there were no graduate students in the lab, I sharpened some invaluable laboratory skills and techniques which helped in completing the given project. Under the professor’s guidance the project eventually lead to my first publication with Analytical Chemistry, which will be presented at the ACS 2017 National Conference. In addition to my two co-authored publications as an undergraduate with Small and ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces journals, my research skills over the years has grown with the time I put into the lab. Particularly my technique with microfabrication and photolithography has improved my ability to troubleshoot different experimental problems which I have come across repeatedly in the three research project that I helped complete over three years. Over this past academic year, I have primarily been working with a new post-doctoral student in developing a barcode chain. Progress which I made with the project was presented weekly throughout the year at group meetings with the professor. Both the skills and knowledge I have gained, I believe I can only improve upon and become stronger if I am able continue at the university as a graduate student. While working in the lab I also maintained a part time evening job at a hospital. Going to lab during the day, and working at the hospital during the night I have been able to distribute my time appropriately over the past year to demonstrate that I can handle a busy schedule. As an undergraduate I know my academic performance was not where it should have been, but after reevaluating and continuing my work with the lab over the past year I have come to understand the steps that would need to be taken to be successful as a graduate student.
What I can offer as a prospective graduate student now would be both a full-time commitment and a very strong desire for the graduate education which was something I didn’t have as an undergraduate.
As an undergraduate I believe I have demonstrated a strong commitment to research. Working in the lab for almost three years, I certainly understand the importance of research and the dedication one must show to not accomplish a project. I also understand the importance of academic excellence and what it takes to not only pass but the importance of doing well. As a graduate student, I know I need to show both excellence in research and academics if I want to move forward in my education. Previously I believe I was too “spread out” as a student trying to explore different things, but as a graduate student, I know I would have to remove myself from certain additional commitments in order to be successful. I am certainly willing to make that change to put a greater focus on my education. I understand that my academic performance certainly doesn’t put me as a qualified candidate for graduate level coursework, but I would like to show the committee that my success in research over the past two years and the dedication I have shown for the lab over the past year can translate over as a full time graduate student as well. I have discussed with the graduate advisor that I’m willing to be placed on a trial semester to show the committee that my academic performance is satisfactory to continue in the program as well. Likewise, I have also discussed with the graduate advisor the benefits and opportunities made available by the department through both the literacy and applied programs as well. The department also offered assistantship which would be of benefit to me as a student financially, rather than doing an evening job in a field that I would not be pursuing a career
in. Given a chance to pursue a graduate education I hope to earn a Master of Science at the University at Albany. The experience that I would be able to gain through my time in the graduate program I know it will grant opportunities for me as I go forward with my academic career, and hopefully in the future when I decide to look for a job in the industry. Given the opportunity the work I have done with the multiplex biotechnology lab for the past two and half years, I would still be interested in being a part of while pursuing my degree. My understanding of the projects that are currently underway and familiarity of what’s is expected as a graduate student, will allow me to strive and be successful as a student.