As a business plan reviewer and analyst, I find it amazing how many entrepreneurs give this section the least weight or skip it altogether.
The operational plan is an essential component to your business plan and it tells the reviewer how your going to get your product/service out to market. That is, how are you going to get your product out of the production stage to the doorstep of you target customer.
I know, the operational plan may seem mundane but it will outline some very important answers to such fundamental questions such as:
• Who is doing what?
• What are the day to day activities?
• How will the suppliers and vendors be used?
• Who are the suppliers?
• What are the labour requirements?
• What are the sources of raw materials?
Why is this section so important? First off, it will outline to the reader how you are going to carry out the delivery of your product or service. What 's the use of having a product or service if you don 't have a way to get it from the development stage to the consumers home?
Believe me, a business plan reviewer gives this section a lot of weight because she wants to know what you and your employees are doing to get your product/service out to market.
How you keep track of inventory or what type of equipment you need may seem obvious to you, but remember, the reader doesn 't know this.
These activities may seem like the kind of details that take care of themselves but these are fundamental and critical for your business success. Why? This is where you translate theory into the...
“Real World”
It is important that you understand why this section is important. It 's because you are now dealing with practice and not theory.
You see, there 's a far greater chance that a business will fail because fundamentals aren 't handled properly than because the basic business concept is faulty.
The fundamentals being the core of your business such as the operations. If your assuming that the