English 11
26 January 2017
World War II Changed the World “War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.” ("World War II Quotes from Soldiers.") First off The United States tried to stay out of the war but problems were increasing in foreign countries and the United States slowly started to move towards war. Also there were many causes and effects that led the United States to World War II. The United States of America could have prevented World War II. First there were many things that caused the United States to enter World War II and conflicts with japan didn’t help. The Americans wanted to stay isolated from the war but as problems increased in Europe the United states started to slowly enter the war. …show more content…
("Reason for American Entry into WWII.") Under the treaty of Versailles Germany couldn't have any submarines, no military air crafts, and only some naval ships but Germany didn't listen and no one stopped them from making new military equipment. ("Reason for American Entry into WWII.") Japan thought that if they attacked pearl harbor that they would gain resources and land, then in 1941 December 7th Japan attacked pearl harbor and on December 8th the United States declared war on Japan but not on Germany and Italy. (Sharpe 31) When the United States declared war on Japan, Germany and their allies declared war on the United States. (“Reason for American Entry into WWII”)
The United States had a good relationship with China during the war and that help them both. ("Reason for American Entry into WWII.") Japan was being really aggressive and the united states didn't like it so the united states threatened to stop sending shipments of raw materials to japan. Japan Germany and Italy became allies and that started the Tripartite Pact. So the united states helped china because Japan wanted to attack China. ("Reason for American Entry into WWII.") The U.S. had good relationships with China and the USSR and Japan started moving into the USSR backyard and that irritated the U.S. ("Reason for American Entry into WWII.") The united states created the lend-lease act so they could help the allies without getting involved in the war. The lend-lease act helped China, Great Britain, and the USSR because the United States sent them military supplies and equipment. (“Reason for American Entry into WWII)
Next there were many effects of World War II.
One effect of World War II was the war boosted the united states economy and brought the U.S. out of the Great Depression. ("The World War II Home Front.") As the united states entered World War II the factories needed more workers and that opened jobs for people that didn’t have jobs before. ("The World War II Home Front.") Factories also went from making cars to making tanks and other military equipment. ("The World War II Home Front.") FDR created wartime agencies to be in charge of war production and to guide the war effort. FDR kept making new agencies because the new ones were better than the agencies before. ("The World War II Home Front.") Americans had to deal with rationing which is when they have to use a certain coupons to get sugar, meats, and gasoline. Shortages of resources caused people to move to wartime shelters. Not everyone was affected by the war, some people didn't have to make any sacrifices. ("The World War II Home …show more content…
World War II had a big impact on the people who didn’t even fight in the war.
The war help Americans regain their self-confidence they lost during the depression. World War II made Americans involved in everything rather than not share their own opinions. It also made Americans want to get involved with politics with other nations. ("The World War II Home Front.") People who faced discrimination started to gain equal rights. FDR signed the Fair Employment Practice Committee which was to help African-Americans. ("The World War II Home Front.") African-Americans started to get hired in factories, started to be able to fly planes, and more africans started to join the military. ("The World War II Home Front.") When the men left to fight in the war women took their jobs, women rather work in a war plant than be at home cleaning even though they paid women less than what they paid men even tho the women still did the same amount of work as men did. ("The World War II Home Front.") World War II helped women to gain the same rights that men had and it also opened jobs for women. When the men left to fight in the war women took their jobs in the factories, there were 5 million more women working. ("The World War II Home
Front.") Finally there were many ways to prevent World War II. No countries tried to stop Hitler when he was attacking other countries to gain land and power. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") In 1939 Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a treaty which meant that Germany and the Soviet union could not attack each other for 10 years. Joseph Stalin saw it as a way to build up his military and to stay on good terms with Germany. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") Also if Hitler invaded Poland the Soviet Union would help Germany. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") They signed the treaty so Germany would have help attacking Poland. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") In 1941 Hitler broke the treaty and invaded the Soviet Union. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") Hitler ordered his military to attack the Soviet Union, it surprised Joseph Stalin when Hitler went against the agreement they made. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") In 1939 Germany invaded Czechoslovakia which broke the agreement Germany made with France and Britain. When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia it surprised France and Britain and also showed them that Adolf Hitler could not be trusted. French and Britain leaders agreed that Hitler would not stop attacking other countries until he was stopped. ("German Soviet Nonaggression Pact.") World War I and World War II were not much different it was pretty much one long war. ("Think Pacifism." ) If World War I ended peacefully World War II could have been prevented. ("Think Pacifism." ) When the U.S. entered the war it didn't help it only made problems so if the United States stayed neutral during the war Japan wouldn't of attacked the United States because the attack of Pearl Harbor officially brought the United States into World War II. ("Think Pacifism." ) If the U.S. would have worked harder to become friends with the countries we were fighting World War II could have been prevented. ("Think Pacifism." ) The United States could of had positive relations with other countries. The United states could have done more to help Germany and other countries to rebuild after the war was over. ("Think Pacifism." ) The united states didn't have good enough relations with Britain and France to stop the war treaty they formed with Poland that began the European part of World War II. ("Think Pacifism." ) If the United States could have prevented the war treaty it could have help to have a less destructive war. ("Think Pacifism." ) In World War I japan and the United States were allies of war so they would trade and help each other if they needed to. If the United States and Japan stayed allies japan would have never attacked Pearl Harbor. It would have also helped if the United States didn't stop sending oil and other resources to Japan. ("Think Pacifism." ) The United States could have prevented World War II. The United States didn’t get along with Japan, United States stopped sending resources to help Japan and i think that caused Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. World War II affected the people of the United States, it gave women and African Americans jobs. If the united states could of had better relationships with other countries we could've stayed out of war. There were many things that caused World War II, the war also affected a lot of people.