The older I grow, the more I realize that my mother has always done so much for me. Her love was patient and forgiving in times when I pushed her to her limits as a child. I love my mother, Hester, with all my heart. I remember as a child, being fascinated with the letter A on her bosom. When I was young I was confused about the situation between my parents. I lashed out in anger towards my mother my throwing prickly burrs at her bosom. In doing so, I added to her already thriving pain and guilt. As I grew up and moved away, my mother decided to continue to live in her tiny cottage in Massachusetts. I sent her gifts from England so she can live in luxury as well. I loved her, and she knew she would always be welcome to come live with me in England at any point throughout her life.…
The story started when one night I snuck out of my house to go to a party, as a result, that night I slept over at a friend’s house and found a ride home the next morning. When the car pulled into the driveway the morning after, I thanked the driver and walked up to my front porch with a sly smile to greet my obviously frustrated parents. As my mom ushered me to sit down on one of the chairs on our front porch, I know that nothing good is going to…
Many times in your life you have faced challenging situations or difficulties, unfortunately there was no one offering you much push or forcing you to go down a better path. Your mother had…
My mother got really sick for about a week and could barely even stand up. Since she was not able to, I played the mother's role and it was challenging. One challenge I needed to face was looking after my little sister. I fed her, changed her clothes, helped her with her homework, made her feel better when she was upset, and put her to bed. I was also supposed to help my brother with his homework and make his breakfast, but he was not as challenging because he is older and more mature. In addition to all that, did my chores and took care of my mother. I was very busy and overwhelmed taking care of my siblings, mother, and myself. That week of playing an adult’s role made me realize how grateful I am to have a mother who takes care of me in the same way I took care of…
Phoebe always gave the nurses that visited me a terrific time, which ended up having the nurses take care of me like i was the president. She left her latest story on my bedside table. Hazel Weatherfield got shot in the leg, but still somehow managed to fend off a mob of gangsters with an empty revolver. Of course, I found that impossible. My mother eventually to see me, along with the Phoebe and D.B. We had a long talk, and I don't feel much like talking about it. I remember she started crying at one point. I got up and gave her a hug. D.B. and Phoebe joined in quick. It was the least phony thing you could imagine. I told her that everything would be fine, and that we were all here, Allie too. That made her smile. She looked me in the eyes then kissed me on the cheek. She was still crying, but I swear they were tears of joy. What troubled me though was that Dad wasn't there. He's never there for these rare moments. That worried me a little bit. I felt like I should have worried about it, or at least pretended to worry about it, but I didn’'t. Come to think of it, Dad is hardly on my mind nowadays. He's on my mind even less that he used to be when we were normally together, and that was pretty low. Don't ask me why, because I can't explain…
It is a typical day for me and my alarm just went off. I hop out of bed, go to the bathroom and then fix breakfast. Right afterwards I head over to my computer and go to my favorites tab. From here, I open multiple tabs all containing message boards to my favorite anime artists. Hours fly by as I sit there reading what everyone else had to say about a particular drawing, or how everyone had taken my post from last night. All throughout my surfing time I pop in a Hot Pocket or two; something quick with little mess. With the den a mess and my obsession still feeding, mom will be home soon. I know I should probably pick up after myself, but I think mom likes to clean. She does it every day. Instead of cleaning up, I decide to do a Google search looking for more fan sites. Now its five thirty and mom strolls in with her hands full of groceries. I acknowledge her with a simple greeting and then return to my screen. After putting the groceries up she walks into the den. With an irritated tone she simply says, “You couldn’t have picked up your food wrappers when you were done eating.” With a simple shrug and “I forgot,” I continue to surf through the pages. Moments later my mom comes back and sits down in the den, right behind me. I spin my chair around and she requests a moment to talk. The entire time we talked, the only thing I could hear was blah, blah, blah, until she ended her statement with, “Aren’t you ever going to grow up? You are doing the same things you were doing almost ten years ago in high school. You need higher education and a career. You can’t keep living like you’re fifteen.” I was speechless. Never had I stopped to think about what I was doing with myself, just kind of kept playing games. Where was I heading in life as a student, child, and citizen? I started looking for a job and wanted to apply for college, but I could not pull myself from my…
She always wanted me to stay with her at her house and I went everywhere with her. When I was nine she took me to a circus. I had the privilege of riding an elephant while I was there. At first I was terrified, but once I finally boarded the elephant I lost all fear and realized that it was not necessary to be scared at all. After the ride was finished, we entered the arena and enjoyed the rest of the show. However, one day my mom woulkd not let me stay with her anymore. I was not even allowed to speak to her until I was older. My mom later told me the reason why she would not let me see her. My Aunt Lorena had a son who was the same age of me. He passed away when he was four years old because of a rare kidney disease. We were extremely close to one another that we were like brothers. Since we were so close and we were the same age my Aunt Lorena tried to steal me from my…
I remember before we left for vacation, my mom’s eyelashes started to grow back and she was so excited to go out and be able to buy mascara again. My mom fought her way through cancer and now she was able to start living her life normally again and that made me more happy than I had been that past year. My mom deserved that vacation more than anything, she was finally able to relax, be spoiled, and know that everything from there on out was going to be okay. Fast forward to the summer of 2014, my mom received her five years clear of cancer and strolled out of her doctor’s office to a round of applause by all the nurses who helped her win her fight. I remember that day smelled like the sunflowers my sisters and I had set on our dining room table for our mom to come home to. It was then that I realized I was given the best role model possible. I could not be more thankful to have a mother who is strong enough to beat cancer and a family who is there for each other no matter what. My family’s happiness and health will always come before anything else for me. My family values have been instilled in me ever since sixth grade, the year my life changed, and as long as I have the support of my family I will be able to take on anything that comes my…
In the early years of my childhood my mother had been only in the states for only couple of years. Consequently, when my mother was entering the United States she had lost one of her shins, and for a short time was disable until, she finally got help from a friend who contacted her doctor and donated a prosthetic leg. Even through trouble times my mother never let nothing get to her, so right away she got up and found her first job at a local restaurant that didn't require any social security or to speak the english language, yet in effect it didn't pay so well. Thereupon, our lives wasn't like an average Joe. Our home was a size of shoe box only four walls, one large bed, a sink, toilet, and a small gas stove all in one room, yet my mother never shed light how small our home was but how bless we are so we all stayed faithful. When it was time for school my mother couldn't always afford us to buy us new clothes, so we went shopping at the flea market or garage sales. As the school year ended families were heading to summer vacation and going out of town. Unfortunately since our financial standing we never had the chance to pleasure summer vacation. However, I didn't mind not having an average summer vacation, because my version of summer was staying back with my mother listening…
In my life, I find that the luckiest thing I ever had was a mother whom really cared about me; the most unlucky thing that has ever happen to me was a heart disease I had since I was young. My dad was worked from morning to evening every day, and my mom was the only one to take care of me. Every day, my mom was busy in between home and the hospital. After I came out of the hospital, my mom was strict and over protective to me because she worried that my heart disease would happen again. Although my mom was only being protective of me, I wanted to get out of my mom’s control, I had things I wanted to do.…
As I was getting dropped off and hearing my mom telling me bye I started to cry. Being really close to my mom I didn't want her to leave me there all alone. So we walked in together and she told me that I was going to be all right. My mom and my new teacher, Mrs. Fossum were having a hard time getting me to stay there. After they saw that I wouldn't stay, my mom had to stay there with me thru out that whole day. As the first day went on I was making a bunch of friends with my new classmates. When the second day came I wanted my mom to stay at school but I realized that she had to go to work. After she had left I saw a table that had some crayons and some paper on it, so I ventured over to it and stood by the seat watching to see if anyone was going to stop me from drawing. No one came so I took a seat, a piece of paper, and of course a blue coloring pencil just like the one I had at home and started to draw. When the other children saw that I was already hard at work with my drawing, which somewhat looked like a cow, they came and sat down with me. Even the child that didn’t want to leave his father noticed me and…
When my twin brother and I were about 4 years old, my dad decided to relocate to Cuba. My mom did not want to leave him, so she obliged to his demand. Once we were in Cuba, I completed kindergarten through fourth grade, but after second grade my mom left us with our dad and returned to the United States because she could not keep living under the conditions we lived in. In the time that I was with my dad, my juggled many different jobs relentlessly until she had the required amount of money to collect my brother and I, so that she could bring us back with her. During the time I was with my dad, I experienced the loss of the motherly love I yearned for every day. This led me to question whether she loved me or not, and I soon slipped into a…
It was a hot summer night in August. I could not sleep; I feared that the upcoming baby would steal my mom’s love from me. It is normal for children to desire their parents’ love and attention, especially for a kid like me who grew up with a single mom. At the age of four, my mom was my whole world. I thought she felt the same way until she announced that she would have a baby. I would not have accepted the fact that my mom could divide her love between me and my sister. However, when I observed my mom holding a tiny crying baby in her arms, witnessing her happy tears gave me the strength to take care of my little sister. My little sister’s existence not only taught me how to be caring and selfless to my family, but it also sparked the compassion in me to care for others…
Let’s step back for a moment so I can explain the relationship I had with my mother because it was not your normal one. My mother was so much more to me than just a mom, she was my best friend I told her everything and she told me everything. We spent many late nights talking about everything in life from how our day went to what life would hold for us in the future. My mother was one of those people who never wanted or asked for anything for herself but was one who gave everything and would do anything for her children. When I say her children I don’t just mean her biological ones, she took care and provide for so…
The story in the essay “There Is No Job More Important than Parenting,” is a very touching story to say the least. It’s about a mother that cares so much for her daughter that she would do anything to help her out in life. It helped me realize that parents’ guide us where we need to go, and without them our fate is up in the air. It confirmed my belief that we need our parents the most throughout our lives. We rely on them for so much in our lives and people sometimes take our parents for…