Film Matrix Worksheet
1. Complete a film matrix worksheet for each movie the team reviews by filling out each category shown and answering all of the questions below.
2 Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (about 5-7 slides for week three, about 7-12 for week four). The grade for each assignment is based on the resulting PowerPoint presentations.
Start with a given film’s name and its genre, describe its theme in one sentence, and describe the story in up to four sentences.
From each worksheet, provide a brief description of how each element was used. (For example, if you selected the film The Shining, you will explain how the film’s settings were used and provide two specific examples.) Describe where they appear (in what context) and in the correct terms as found in the instructor’s weekly PowerPoint (e.g., closeup, cross-cutting, [not “the camera sees…”], non-diagetic, etc
Be sure to include all of the worksheet elements below in your PowerPoint. Include detailed speaker notes. Address all films for any given week in one PowerPoint, one-after-another, not side-by-side, since this is not a comparative exercise.
How did each film’s elements match the genre with which it is associated? Was each film typical or atypical for its genre? Why or why not
Element| Two Examples| Where Used (context)|
Setting (I Am Legend)|The story took place in New York City|Entire movie |
Acting|Acting focused on the main character’s psychological struggle. The main character was having flashbacks of when he lost his family. |Entire movie|
Lighting|Lighting is very obvious. Majority of the film was shot during the day. Dark during action scenes.|Entire movie|
Costumes|Main actor wore regular clothes while zombies had ragged/torn clothing.|Entire movie|
Hair and Makeup|Zombies were pale, bald and skinny. The main actors had no/little makeup, except for the scenes where the actors got hurt and zombies