IntroductionRecruitment and selection is an integral part of human resource management and more specifically as part of the human resource planning process. As future graduates we wanted to get a better understanding of what awaits us in terms of securing future employment. Recruitment and selection is widely researched and discussed by HRM academics, therefore there was a great wealth of materials available.
The objectives for this project were as follows:•To distinguish between theory and practice;• To provide an overview for present students of current recruitment and selection processes;•To share the firsthand top tips we received while conducting our research;•To get the widest possible understanding of the recruitment and selection process, through researching a variety of different industries.
The structure of our project is fairly straight forward. The project begins with a review of the resources consulted while conducting our research for our project. Following the literature review we discussed the methodology for the research that was carried out by our group members. The project then progresses to the discussion of our extensive findings. The project then concludes with our recommendations to organisations which we believe would assist them greatly in innovating their recruitment and selection process.
Review of the literatureThere are many academic articles dealing with the subject of recruitment and selection, which highlight a range of different topics in this area, such as:•Attracting excellent recruits.
•How to combat skill shortages.
•The process of effective interviewing.
•The importance of validating submitted information on CV's and Cover Letters.
•The advantages and disadvantages of on-line recruitment.
•The recruitment and