Chapter Summary
This chapter describes the process an organization uses to plan and recruit so that there will be adequate human resources. The steps described are linking business strategies to future needs, forecasting labor demand and supply, determining in what positions there will exist a labor shortage or surplus, setting goals regarding future human resource needs, and identifying strategies to solve the problems of shortages and/or surpluses. The ability to recruit successfully is described as depending upon personnel policies such as job posting (an internal strategy), level of pay in comparison to the market, and the extent of job security. The chapter describes sources for recruiting as well as the use of yield ratios and costs to evaluate the effectiveness of sources. Lastly, the role of the recruiter and how to enhance his or her impact on the candidate is presented.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
1. Discuss how to align a company’s strategic direction with its human resource planning.
2. Determine the labor demand of workers in various job categories.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of eliminating a labor surplus or avoiding a labor shortage.
4. Describe the various recruitment policies organizations adopt to make job vacancies more attractive.
5. List the various sources from which job applicants can be drawn, their relative advantages and disadvantages, and the methods for evaluating them.
6. Explain the role of the recruiter in the recruitment process, the limits he or she faces, and the opportunities available.
Extended Chapter Outline
Note: Key terms appear in boldface and are listed in the “Chapter Vocabulary” section.
Opening Vignette: Unemployment
The unemployment rate in the United States dropped to 4.7 percent in 1998, its lowest level in over 25 years. For