In this paper we look into the recent trends in power transmission engineering,
FACTS and HVDC. The first part of our presentation starts with a quick idea of FACTS.
FACTS is defined as a power electronic based system and other static equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance controllability and increase the power transfer capability. This paper also deals with the basic concept involved in the usage of FACT controllers which are capable of controlling up to three system parameters; voltage magnitude, phase angle and transmission impedance. The simulation results for VAR compensation with and without one of the FACT controllers named
T he next part of our presentation begins with a brief historical perspective on the development of HVDC transmission systems. It also present the various types of HVDC transmission systems available and an overview of the status of HVDC system in the world today with specific regard to India. It then concludes with a brief set of guidelines for choosing HVDC systems in today’ s electricity system development
In India, transmission planning has always been given a less priority when compared to generator planning. We experience wide band voltage variations in 33/11kv sub-transmission and LT system. One of the main problems is the RKVA management. The reactive power flows form generating stations and other devices to the load centers through 400kv, 220kv, 132kv sub transmission and distribution networks. This free flow of the reactive power results in undesirable volt levels in all parts of the network. Under maximum load conditions the lagging RKVA load is supplied by generating stations. On the other hand, under minimum load condition the leading reactive load, generated from transmission system is to be observed by generator. This RKA loading is limited by capability curve of sets and