
I Did Not Achieving Honor Roll

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I Did Not Achieving Honor Roll
Over the course of my life, I have many accomplishments; Some that I can call minor and some which mean a handful to me. Achieving them was not easy at all but with the motivation of my fellow peers, family, and those who supported me, I was able to accomplish more than I expected. The hard work, time, and dedication that it took to make it happen paid off.
One of my greatest accomplishments that really meant an abundance to me was achieving honor roll throughout my high school years. During my first year of high school, I did not achieve honor roll two out of the four cycles. Not achieving honor roll really made an impact on me because I felt as if I did not try hard enough, I failed myself. This made me work harder than I did and as an outcome, I achieved honor roll the other two cycles. Continuing onto my sophomore, junior, and senior years of high school I held my head high to make this an ongoing achievement. As I planned, I kept my word and made the honor roll list every cycle. Seeing my report card and looking at all the A’s and B’s as I looked down was a great feeling of excitement, but it was not the best. I wholeheartedly think the best feeling was hearing “Desiree Pereira”, as the
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Not achieving honor roll my freshmen year two out of the four cycles is what really threw me off. At times I looked at my GPA and cried thinking it would never get it to where I wanted it to be but I did not keep that installed in my head. Instead, I tried as much as I could to raise it up year by year. As I checked my PowerSchool everyday, the first thing I looked at was my GPA. At the end of each semester, looking at my GPA increase even if it was by a point was an irresistible feeling that made me want to never give up. Going from 3.0 to a 3.294 may not seem like a big difference to you, but to me it was. All the hard work I put myself through even made me grow a couple of white

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