Scene 1
ELISABETA is sitting UPSTAGE part of DOWNRIGHT with a letter in her hands. She is reading it. It is from FLYNN who is Sitting between LEFTCENTER and CENTER. FLYNN is writing the letter. FLYNn
I wasn't planning on this. You know, falling in love with you was the last thing I wanted. FLYNN freezes. ELISABETa Reading from paper.
Because I knew one or maybe both of us would get hurt at one point. Because I knew, sometime, our time together was gonna have to come to an end. Puts paper down and Looks up. Thinking.
Why would he say that. There is nothing wrong with our relationship. STANDS UP starts pacing
Why would he say it would have to end? there is …show more content…
FLYNN unfreezes. Together in unison. Both resume first activity. Both
Yet here I am, begging you to go about your life and just forget about me. Begging you to forget all you heard, saw and felt in your time with me. Begging for your life.
FLYNN'S head drops to his hands and he's sitting there thinking in regret. ELISABETA
What can he mean by that? How can I forget about him? I've known him for so long. It's impossible to forget him. And what can he mean by begging for my life. Oh I wish I could see him right now so I can ask him these questions and reasure him that no one is getting hurt or killed today in my family. FLYNN
FLYNN LOOKS UP when he says "Ugh".
Ugh I'm so stupid sometimes!! Why did I put so much?!? It's gonna spoil her life more than my quickly ending one!! I wish I hadn't said that!
I would reverse it if I had time but I just don't. My time is running out fast and I just condemned her to the same or worse. I just wish I could see her one more time but I know that my times