Developed by Joyce Bishop, Ph.D., and based upon Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Directions: Rate each statement as follows: 1 = rarely 2 = sometimes 3 = usually 4 = always
Type the number of your response (1 – 4) on the line next to the statement and total each set of six questions.
1. 2 I enjoy physical activities. 2. 2 I am uncomfortable sitting still. 3. 4 I prefer to learn through doing. 4. 2 When sitting I move my legs or hands. 5. 4 I enjoy working with my hands. 6. 1 I like to pace when I’m thinking or studying.
15 Total for Bodily-Kinesthetic
7. 1 I enjoy telling stories. 8. 3 I like to write. 9. 3 I like to read. 10. 2 I express myself clearly. 11. 1 I am good at negotiating. 12. 3 I like to discuss topics that interest me.
13 Total for Verbal-Linguistic
13. 1 I use maps easily. 14. 2 I draw pictures/diagrams when explaining ideas. 15. 1 I can assemble items easily from diagrams. 16. 2 I enjoy drawing or photography. 17. 3 I do not like to read long paragraphs. 18. 1 I prefer a drawn map over written directions.
10 Total for Visual-Spatial 19. 1 I like math in school. 20. 3 I like science. 21. 3 I problem-solve well. 22. 3 I question how things work. 23. 3 I enjoy planning or designing something new. 24. 1 I am able to fix things.
14 Total for Logical-Mathematical
25. 3 I listen to music. 26. 4 I move my fingers or feet when I hear music. 27. 3 I have good rhythm. 28. 3 I like to sing along with music. 29. 1 People have said I have musical talent. 30. 1 I like to express my ideas through music.
15 Total for Musical 31. 4 I need quiet time to think. 32. 3 I