To begin, authoritarian parents forces the children to follow their guidelines in which children have to manifest blind submission and follow strict discipline. They establish the rules and expect that children will follow them without exception. Their children may be good in education but have low social activities. Amongst their relationship, there is little to no room for negotiation and if the child dares to question or defy their authority, they are punished. Authoritarian parents adhere to punishments rather than consequences, they believed that a child is unable to learn from mistake they commit unless they are disciplined. …show more content…
Permissive parents tend to be more lenient towards their children, allowing them to get away with almost everything. They set up rules which are almost never followed, or often broken, and once broken there is usually no consequences. This lack of structure causes these children to grow up with little self-discipline and self-control. For example, these parent exert no control over their child’s behavior and just give them what they want. Since these children are not very stable or have an authority in their life, they tend to perform poor academically as