this tends to distort how we see things or changes our reasoning.
The idols aid us in our quest to find the most objective point of view and therefore the most logical reasoning, absent of bias. Bacon puts the general biases into four categories the Idols of the Tribe, Cave, Marketplace, and Theatre. The Idols of the Tribe cover distortions and biases brought on by the society in which we live. I think that we are all influenced, in some way or another, by the culture we were raised in our society. We are taught that certain things are because society says that they are. The Idols of Cave are biases which we ourselves create. I feel that we all see things from our own perspective but if we are unable to see things from other perspectives or objectively our reasoning will be distorted by what is seen as truth alone. The Idols of the Marketplace deal with distortions caused
by the use of improper of “sloppy” language. I also believe that the use of improper language can lead to distortions in what we mean within our reasoning, the arguments we present as well as receive, and we can obstruct the meaning of our words with the improper use of language. The Idols of the Marketplace deal with the distortions that are obtained from the blind acceptance of knowledge. I feel that we need to look beyond what is on the surface and analyze the facts deeper before we take them as fact and that it is important to not accept something just for what it is. Moreover, the Idols of the Tribe are present within my own life. In my life I feel as though I am influenced by western culture and the society I am a part of. Personally, I have never really travelled much or seen new places to be exposed to different cultures and societies so I am heavily influenced by the society that I always lived in and never really ventured out of. Whenever I am given an opportunity to learn about new culture I usually accept in, order to become less ignorant about the many societies and cultures that form human society as a whole. I find that the Idol of the Tribe calls us to understand the many universal truths that are present and view them objectively. I believe this idol call us to be politically correct and open to the ideas of other societies. Additionally, I also see the Idol of the Cave in the way that I sometimes view things. I find that the personal habit that distorts my thinking in my life is indecisiveness. I find that my indecision makes me look for the option that is most likely or preferred instead of coming up with my own view, or opinion. I know that I should look for my own view, but am I always looking at other options to see if they are more worthwhile then what have concluded in my own reasoning. I feel that if used my own points and arguments more I could formulate better arguments and reasoning. Incidentally, one of the most common idols, for myself, is the Idol of the Marketplace. I tend to use a lot of slang in my daily life and with my friends which can sometimes confuse people. I am able to use slang at the appropriate times, but sometimes it spills over and I have to clarify what I mean to say. I find that sometimes I use slang without realizing that it is true slang, which is when I sometimes even misuse my own words because I have not used the proper language and am not sure of the proper word use. I do think one of the keys to avoiding distortions of the mind and errors in logic is using the proper language with its intended meaning.