If I could do this project again I think I would get done with my homework at school and spent the time after school to decorate my boars and add more pictures in it. I would change the pictures to better looking pictures with high-definition if I could change it. If I could change my board I would also change the decorations on the board because it had no decorations in the board. If I could change anything on the board I would also change the charts that I did because the charts that I printed had no color. I would also change the amount of words that I put in my project because I did not have that much words in my project. …show more content…
I presented my data on my board at the science fair. I would change my data a bit because I was expecting to make a lot of shots although I did not make that much baskets.I was also expecting to get ten out if ten shots on over the head from the three-point line and i also expected me to get an eight out of ten from the