Work based assignment - bench marker: Good Pass
Bench markers illustrate the different standards of a learner’s work that attract different marks. The different standards are typically graded as:
• borderline referral:40 – 49 %
• borderline pass: 50 – 59%
• section referral and good pass: 60%+
Between them, these isolate the threshold of sufficiency of learner evidence (ie the difference between a borderline referral and a borderline pass) in typical submissions.
The good pass gives an example of the kind of extra evidence that is needed to attract higher marks by exceeding the requirements of assessment criteria. The mark sheet provided at the end gives the acceptable range of marks that would be appropriate to this standard of submission. In practice, a single mark must be awarded, not a range.
Work-based assignment: M3.01
The task
Identify a workplace problem facing you or your team (or a team within another organisation if you are currently unemployed) and examine ways to resolve it. For the purposes of this assignment, ‘problem’ may be interpreted as ‘a deviation from the norm’ OR ‘an improvement opportunity’ OR ‘a potential or anticipated problem’.
The 'nominal' word count for this assignment is 1200 words: the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the headings shown below when writing up your assignment Assessment Criteria
Briefly describe your organisation, what it does, and your role within it.
(Minimum of 2 marks required from 4 available) Context of assignment is provided.
Description of the problem
Describe the problem, its nature, scope and impact. (Minimum of 8 marks required from 16 available) The problem, its nature, scope and impact are described.
Analysis of the problem
Gather and interpret information to identify possible options to