(Week 12-13)
Chapter Five: Immediate Constituent and Phrase Structure Rule
1. Learning Objectives Upon completing this chapter, students will be expected to be able to: 1. Comprehend phrase structure rules 2. Analyze sentence structures using IC analysis 3. Demonstrate sentence generation using phrase structure rules 4. Illustrate tree diagrams representing sentence structures
2. Topics of Content 1. What is the meaning of Immediate Constituent? 2. IC Analysis 3. IC Analysis of Sentences 4. Phrase Structure Rules (PS-Rules)
3. Teaching and Learning Method 1. Lectures 2. Brainstorming 3. Class Discussions 4. Analyzing sentences 5. Group reports 6. Assignment 7. Presentations
4. Teaching Materials 1. Main textbook 2. Supplementary materials 3. Transparencies 4. Charts 5. Worksheet 6. English Dictionaries
5. Measurement and Evaluation Students will be evaluated on: 1. Exercises in the book 2. Participation in discussions 3. Completion of assignments 4. Group projects 5. Group report 6. Observe the attention and participation of the students in class 7. Observe the students’ interest in group work. 8. Observe the students’ questions and answers on the lectures given in class.
Chapter Five
Immediate Constituent and Phrase Structure Rule
What is the meaning of Immediate Constituent?
Up to this point we have scrutinized the four types of morpheme--- bases, prefixes, infixes, and suffixes --- of which words are composed. Now we shall see how these are put together to build the structure that we call a word. A word of one morpheme, like blaze, has, of course, just one unitary part. A word of two morphemes, like cheerful, is obviously composed of two parts, with the