In order to develop excellence as a leader we must be willing to acknowledge that developing it is not an accomplishment - it's a never-ending process. It's a process full of many awesome moments and many lonely days. It's fun and exciting one day and then the next day we wonder why we ever wanted to lead in the first place. Many of us secretly fantasize about being a greeter at Walmart.
Being a leader isn't easy - it requires commitment for the long haul.
It's not something we can just accomplish and then move on. Being a leader requires hard work, sacrifice, commitment and a willingness to grow ourselves.
The leaders I admire most are the ones who give selflessly of themselves and make personal development a priority. I can not give of myself as I leader if I do not first take care of myself. Great leaders balance personal development and organizational development.
Both are important and one without the other does not work.
As I have observed great leaders, I find they all have some things in common.
"Great companies first build a culture of disciplineand create a business model that fits squarely in the intersection of three circles: what they can be best in the world at, a deep understanding of their economic engine, and the core values they hold with deep passion." ~ Jim Collins, author of Good To Great
"We got it right when we said that we were in search of excellence.
Not competitive advantage. Not economic growth. Not market dominance or strategic differentiation. Not maximized shareholder value.
ExcellenceIn Search of Excellence even the title is a reminder that business isnt dry, dreary, boring, or by the numbers." ~ @Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have